Test Prep
Test Prep
Tutoring from Alpha Advisors. Profesional advisors leads you to achieve your goals!
The New SAT Preparation Course
Need help with the SAT reasoning Test? Alpha Academy’s extensive SAT Preparation course will help you get your target score. Enquire now for your free counseling.
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ACT Training
Need help with the ACT? TJ Advisors’ extensive ACT training program will help you get your target score. Enquire now for your free counseling.
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TOEFL Advisory
Connect with professional tutors and score 100 in the TOEFL Test!
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IELTS Advisory
Individualized Online Coaching Service for the IELTS! Set your goals and we will support you to the very end. Apply now for your free initial consultation!
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GMAT Advisory
Individualized Online Coaching Service for the GMAT! You will be scoring 700 within your first 3 tests!
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GRE Advisory
Individualized Online Coaching Service for the GRE! The GRE is a challenge you must overcome if you want to apply for an MBA in the U.S and in the U.K. Set your goals and we will support you to the very end. Apply now for your free initial consultation!