MIT Sloan Fellows(MITスローンフェローズ)

MIT Sloan Fellows(MITスローンフェローズ)の学校概要



【ミッドキャリアMBA圧勝】30代、40代は今すぐミッドキャリアMBAへ行け!MIT Sloan Fellow、Stanford MSx、USC IBEAR等圧勝!今すぐアルファに相談だ!>

MIT Sloan Fellowsのプログラム

・期間 :1年間フルタイム


The mission of the MIT Sloan School of Management is to develop principled, innovative leaders who improve the world and to generate ideas that advance management practice.

MIT Sloan Fellows生徒の特徴(2021)

・US News とWorld Reportにてランキング3位獲得
・ミッドキャリアMBAとしてはスタンフォードMSx、USC IBEARと並んでNo1!

MIT Sloan Fellows対象者(Assess Your Qualifications)

■ A strong candidate will:
・Hold an undergraduate degree and have at least 10 years of relevant, post-undergraduate, full-time work ・experience (internships do not count toward this time)
・Demonstrate motivation and potential to lead an established organization or a new venture.
・Push boundaries and tackle challenges that others might think too difficult to achieve.
・Embrace a global perspective.
・Have a valid GMAT or GRE score (taken within the last 5 years) or an Executive Assessment exam score.
・Exhibit exceptional leadership performance, functional expertise, and a commitment to leading innovation.
・Commit to a year of self-reflection and professional growth.
・Strive to master the rigorous curriculum.
・Communicate effectively in English, both orally and in writing.

なぜMIT Sloan Fellows ?

・EA(Executive Assessment)で受験可能!TOEFL/IELTSが必要ないためテスト負担が少ない!2022年クラスのレンジは149-160点
・MIT Tracksではファイナンス、イノベーション、アントレにわけて自分の専門性&ネットワークを身につけることが可能!




■ What’s your story? What experiences have shaped who you are today? We want to know. We are on a quest to find curious, passionate, analytical candidates who will enhance the collaborative community here at MIT. Our goal is to create a vibrant learning environment rich in diverse ideas and life experiences. That's why we welcome applicants from all over the globe, and from all areas of study, including the humanities, the social and physical sciences, business, and engineering. Above all, we seek thoughtful leaders with exceptional intellectual abilities, determined to make their mark in the world—people who value dignity and respect!


必須ではないがAdditional として以下の質問に答えること可能

Applicants are invited to expand on their background by responding to the following optional 250 word short answer question:

①How has the world you come from shaped who you are today? For example, your family, culture, community, all help to shape aspects of your identity. Please use this opportunity if you would like to share more about your background.

This question is truly optional; applicants will not be evaluated more positively or negatively should they choose to respond. This is an opportunity for you to share more about yourself with the Admissions Committee, should you choose to do so


MBA Round 1:October 3, 2022
MBA Round 2:January 11, 2023
MBA Round 3:February 15, 2023


MBA Round 1:December 13, 2022
MBA Round 2:February 16, 2023
MBA Round 3:March 23, 2023

社費も私費の人もアルファから毎年MIT Sloan Fellows MBA多数圧勝合格!


MIT Sloan Fellows MBA圧勝合格したいあなたは今すぐ今すぐ無料相談!>(


・ハーバード、スタンフォード、コロンビア、ウォートン、シカゴ、MIT、UCバークレー、UCLA、LBS、Cambridge, Oxford, INSEAD、NUS、HKUST等欧米アジアMBA圧勝合格を目指す最強プログラム!
・GMAT、GRE、EA、TOEFL、IELTS, Duolingo対策も万全!
・徹底的なゴール設定 WHY THIS SCHOOL等の論理構築!


・MBAでどのような科目を履修するかの「Study Schedule」は立ててますか?


